Quality policy
The Company Stark Srl, aware of the importance of ensuring the Customer consolidated quality standards aimed at obtaining his full satisfaction and convinced of the internal improvements that can arise from the development of a culture of quality and continuous process improvement, adopts a Quality System in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.
The fundamental principles on which the company's management is based are as follows:
The fundamental principles on which the company's management is based are as follows:
- Identify the context in which the organization moves, focus on the stakeholders in its business, conduct and keep updated over time an analysis of risks and opportunities that form the underlying approach to managing the system.
- Continuously improve by designing and researching innovative products in compliance with applicable mandatory standards. The ability to continuously improve will be measured over and above by verifying the achievement of the goals established in process policies.
- II Customer is always held in the highest regard, and all operate by focusing attention on satisfying his demands and interpreting his needs so that they can be translated into products and services that increasingly meet his expectations, in addition to meeting applicable mandatory requirements. The ability to work towards customer satisfaction may be measured by the amount of complaints, related costs, delay times in processing orders or contractual requests, etc., as well as by verifying the achievement of objectives established in process policies. Management will quantify the value of these indicators during the quality system review so that they are relevant, appropriate and commensurate with market situations and customer expectations.
- Quality is everyone's personal responsibility and commitment, and therefore it is the precise duty of the process managers and each employee, to work to ensure that the foundations are laid to make sure that the objectives established in this document, those related to processes and those defined periodically in the Management Review are systematically achieved. For this purpose, compliance with the contents of the quality system procedures is of paramount importance, the level of application of which will be measured by the number of nonconformities and customer complaints generated by deviation from these documents. It will be up to the management to determine the value of these indicators (number, percentage, costs, repetitive anomalies, etc.) during the quality system review, and on this occasion it may possibly decide to identify (and quantify) additional indicators.
The Management of Stark srl formally undertakes the commitment to conduct a systematic and documented review of the quality system to ensure its continued adequacy and effectiveness in meeting the requirements of the reference standard, the objectives expressed in the corporate quality policy, those defined in the process policies and those that from time to time, during the review itself will be defined. II review is the institutional occasion when the measurement criteria related to each identified indicator will be established and the necessary resources and the most appropriate and adequate means will be made available to enable the Managers involved to work so that the identified objectives can be achieved.
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